Monday, May 7, 2012

The Avengers, why it was so good. (Overview)

Everybody has seen "The Avengers". Literally (well, not literally) everybody, and they are all ranting about how great it was.
I'm going to do a brief little review of the movie for those who are interested, as I know that there are many of you looking for that. Here it goes...
Ok, reason number 1:
ScarJo (pictured right). Scarlett Johansson is stunning. Not only that but she did an excellent job as an actress and stuntwoman. It doesn't seem from what I've read that ScarJo did all of her own stunts, but regardless, the stunts that her character did were top notch.

Reason number 2:
Robert Downey Jr. (pictured left) These two are pretty much the dream team of action movies. With ScarJo attracting the male viewers and Robert Downey Jr. attracting the female viewers, the casting directors got this right.

Reason number 3:
Back to reasons number 1 and 2, this movie has an amazing cast with a gigantic following. We already know all the characters, we know all the actors, and now we get to see them together in one epic film! Who could resist?

Reason number 4:
The Directing. It was almost perfect, or maybe it was perfect. I must confess, I have not read the comics, but I was still able to keep up with the plot, it wasn't so simple that it was boring, but it wasn't too complex to follow. Somehow Joss Whedon was able to make these characters and actors from different films work so well together that it seems like they cast this movie all on it's own. That's really something if you think about it. I don't know, they may have planned all of this out from the beginning and if they did, bravo. If not, bravo as well. It was visually pleasing throughout the entire movie, not a dull frame in the whole movie.

The Avengers has smashed box office records already in it's first weekend and I suspect it'll continue to smash records. As a certain character from the film said "Hulk, Smash!"

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