Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Complaining About My Job and Why It's Okay

Today, I'd like to talk about complaining. I'm not actually going to complain to you, but I am going to try to get this basic message across - complaining is okay.

I don't mean for everyone to go about telling everybody everything that they don't like. That's horrible. Nor am I meaning that the attitude that generally comes along with complaining is okay (that's called "a complacent attitude". I looked it up). What I do mean to say is this, if things in your life aren't good, you shouldn't be okay with it.

Here's my deal with my job right now. It drives me crazy. It's metric driven, which means that I get scored on my work. All of it. Anything I do may be judged by someone else, and I am frequently told that I'm not good enough. That's just the nature of the business. As I've said before, I work in a call center. We have to score everyone or else we'd all just say whatever we wanted in order to get off the phone more quickly. So I'm not complaining about that. But the point is, I'm not happy doing this. Some people like to say "well, at least you have a job. Blah blah blah, unemployment, so on and so forth, etc. etc. etc." and "Be happy with what you've got!". I'm here to tell you that these people are W-R-O-N-G, wrong!
Well, I actually do agree with them to some extent because some problems can't be solved now or ever, but would the company even exist if there wasn't a guy out there who said "I don't like working for someone else, I'm going to start my own business and it's gonna be awesome".

My life advice for today is, if you can make things better (read as 'You can make things better"), you should. Don't just sit around on your butt going "I'm sad and depressed and don't like how things are", do something about it! Doing something starts with a complaint, be it "I'm don't like my job" or "I don't like my car" or "I'm not happy" or "nobody reads my blog". So it's okay to complain at first, but the next thing you need to do is figure out how to fix it. That part requires action. Research, networking, planning. And then finally, fix it!

This blog is getting really preachy.

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