Monday, April 23, 2012

The Haircut Effect

Monday April 23rd, 2012

As with everything I write, many people will read this and think that I'm absolutely insane. That's ok with me. Having a reputation at all is better than to be the guy who sits on the couch at the party and doesn't say anything. But I digress. What I'm here to admit to you is that I have a split personality. Yes, it's true. Let me explain...

I have bad hair days and good hair days just like everyone else. Mine work on a different type of dynamic though. It's simple, really. Let me illustrate:
Haircut < Two weeks ago = Good hair day
Haircut > Two weeks ago = Bad hair day.
So, what does all of this have to do with multiple personality disorder?

Personality #1 = Long Hair
If my hair is long, I look different, I feel different, I act different, and, worst of all, I am different. Why? Because I have less self confidence when my hair is longer. I don't like how it looks! Naturally, if we don't look good, we don't feel good. But it's so much more than this. I've noticed serious changes in mood, the way I treat others, and even my outlook on life. Is that normal? Is self image really that important to me?

Personality #2 = Short Hair
I have just had my hair cut. I feel great. I feel like I look great (even though I probably don't), I am positive, but here's the bad news. I am not as nice to people when I like my hair vs. when I don't. I think my self confidence goes up too high.

This is some weird stuff, people. Really weird. Although I'm cognizant of all of this, I somehow can't control it. Just like The Hulk! He knows he shouldn't get angry or he'll literally explode into a not-so-jolly Green Giant. But I am wondering how many other people experience this. Am I alone? Hello!? Is anybody else out there?!

Seriously though, I know I'm not alone, and that's the scary part. Everybody treats people differently, feels differently, so-on and so-forth, depending on a number of factors. What interests me, though, is how we all understand life, we understand that the world actually did not turn upside down just because we lost the bid for the signed copy of the first Backstreet Boys album on eBay, but we continue to act like it has turned upside down, and there's nothing we can do about it. We are NOT in control, people. Even though we understand that little things like having a good or bad hair day, or realizing the shirt you're wearing has a little stain on it, or wearing shoes with laces that keep coming undone (which is SO ANNOYING!), have little to no affect on how successful we are, or how happy we should feel, we act like whiny babies, just like whiny babies! How is it that the way my hair looks can change my viewpoint of things on such a large scale?

That's why it's so important to think before we speak and act, because what we think is a great idea today (quitting our jobs because they're annoying), may actually be a horrible idea.

Wow! That was preachy. To be honest I didn't know where I was going with this when I started writing. I just wanted everyone to know that I am crazy. Mission Accomplished!

Written by Individual contributor
Personality #2 of Lane Fries  (a.k.a.  Dr. Freeze)


  1. Everything you wrote about yourself is entirely accurate. I think that must prove that at least on some level you are NOT crazy, because crazy people aren't that self-cognizant. Or does that make you crazier, when you know it but can't control it? Maybe that was your point. Why do I read this, anyway?

  2. You are absolutely correct about the good hair day effect! I work in retail and I have to sell our store Credit Card. When I feel like I'm having a bad hair day, I do really lousy at this assignment, but when I'm having a good hair day, I can SELL, SELL, SELL!!!! When we feel like we look good, we feel good. We have a great self-image about ourselves===physically, mentally and emotionally and we feel that we "can take on the world!" Also, like you were saying about about not treating other people so nicely, I think that yes, it can turn into over-confidence, but I also think that we pass up opportunities to "tell people off" when we're having a bad hair day (or bad self-image day), because they might look at us an go: You're pretty ugly---who cares what you think, you loser (people so many people judge others based on their looks). Telling people off is NEVER a good thing to do----good hair day or bad hair day. But I can understand how it can happen when we feel handsome or beautiful, we feel like we have the self-esteem necessary to "say what we need to say" (one of my favorite John Mayer songs), because ultimately we feel that we are taking care of something that should have been dealt with earlier, but our HAIR just wouldn't allow it!! Soooo Siillly, but believable too.


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