Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tell Me Why Preview

Throughout the day many different thoughts pop into my mind. Thoughts that don't necessarily require or deserve attention, but are still interesting to think about nonetheless.  Dissatisfied with the dull surroundings in my mind, these thoughts drop out of my head and escape threw my mouth riding on the phrase "tell me why..."Here is a brief Sampling:

  • Tell me why animals have more rights then humans do. I put two men in a ring, request that the two punch each other in the face until one or both of them is terribly disfigured, and people will pay to see it. I put two dogs in a ring and have them do what dogs do naturally which is bark and fight and I'm going to jail. 
  • Tell me why cereal mascots are such terrible cartoon citizens. Captain Crunch crashes into peoples homes and Crunchatizes a.k.a kidnaps children. The Trix rabbit steals cereal from minors. The Cocoa Puff bird hops around like a crack addict. Way to go coming up with good examples for today's youth.
  • Tell me why we are spending our hard earned money to see 3D re-releases of movies that come on TV every other week. That is like re-releasing last weeks newspaper in another font and selling it for double the price. 
  • Tell me why Apple is debating creating the Ipad Nano...I am sorry I thought that came out three years ago and it was called the Ipod Touch.
  • Tell me why the word "free" has become synonymous with having to buy something.
  • Tell me why parents teach kids not to talk to or take candy from strangers, but then proceed to give them five bucks to chase down the creepy looking old guy who drives around in a beat up ice cream truck. At least the strangers will give them the candy for free.
  • Tell me why we get so upset and spiral into disbelief when people do not watch the same shows as we do. "What do you mean you don't watch the Voice, You're telling me you haven't seen not one episode, seriously?!"
  • Then tell me why we proceed to list off every show we watch until we hit at least one that they have seen as if they are not human if they don't watch the same shows we do. " You are telling me you dont watch any of those're dead to me."
I hope you enjoyed that sampling. Knowing me many more thoughts are on the way.

Written by individual contributor
Anthony Savage (a.k.a. Analytical Ant)

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