Thursday, April 19, 2012

Reasons I Should Be Writing

The following was written 
by individual contributor to 
T.I.S.I., Analytical Ant
(Warning! What you are reading is in parenthesis therefore its not meant to be read. Yes I am aware that I have just wasted 13 seconds of your time.Yes I did actually count to 13 as I read that.)

Have you ever come up with what you thought was a great idea only to find out that half a million other people already had that thought and did something worthwhile with it? Maybe you thought, "Hey it would be great to have all my music on one easy to use device instead of dozens of individual CDs!" Well, sorry, Steve Jobs beat you to the punch.  Or maybe you thought, "I have a great idea about humans being able to live as blue alien like avatars". Again, sorry, both Blue Man Group and James Cameron got you there too. When this happens to you what do you do? Most likely you don't internalize it, you count it as a loss, and move on. Or possibly, like the Winklevoss twins, you act like a sore loser (see Social Network). In either case the reality of the matter is this, you missed your chance to make your voice heard.

This adequately explains why, up until this point, I have never written anything in a Blog. However, after seeing more remakes, sequels, and re-releases than I'd like to admit, I've come to realize 2 things about writing and ideas in general. (1) There is an extreme lack of new ideas in the world and (2) Apparently what people want now is rehashed versions of old ideas expressed through another persons viewpoint and that's where I come in.

I may have ideas that have been thought of before, opinions that have been expressed and Jokes that have been said, laughed at and quoted by others with less than comical accuracy, but should that stop me from thinking, expressing myself, and making jokes? No!

Who knows maybe I will come up with something new. Maybe in these blogs I will write something that will make you think in a way you never have before. In doing that I will have, if only for but a moment, made an impact on someones view of the world. Maybe even yours. So join me as I share my jokes, opinions and thoughts on this world we live in through my eyes.

B.T.W ( my version of P.S.) If you actually tried to count how long it took for you to read the warning at the top of this post, I applaud you...and pity you:)

1 comment:

  1. your screen name isn't fooling anyone... I know who you are! ;p


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