Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Mind Unfiltered

In this segment of "My Mind Unfiltered" I am going to express a bunch of movie and TV show ideas that I have thought up
  • They should make a movie based off of Captain Planet the cartoon (Google it I refuse to do all the work here)  starring Will Ferrell as Captain Planet. The film takes place 30 years after the cartoon. All the kids have grown up and are big business tycoons and instead of saving the world by thinking green, as captain planet trained them to do, they are actually each heavily responsible for its bad conditions. Captain Planet returns to convince the kids (now adults) to change their ways to save the planet. (Comedy/Drama/Preachy)
  • They should make a TV show called "After Hours". I was part of a cleaning team for ten years and if you only knew all the things that go on after you leave your job and the cleaning team comes in you would die laughing. The idea behind the show would be about a number of cleaning teams who come in to clean up a huge outlet mall after closing. After a nearby Bank fires their cleaning staff they begin searching for another team in the area. When the different cleaning teams in the outlet mall get wind of this they begin to compete to get noticed. In the same vein as the Office and Parks and Recreation, After Hours will be a mocumentary style Show.
  • Another movie idea is one called "Film Class 101". This show will be about a class in high school that studies the basics of film and filming and go through their school throughout the year filming all sorts of different aspects of their high school from the teaching staff to the students. This would be a gritty and real documentary style film about High School, love, loss, growing up, and finding yourself. The main Characters would be a student who has a real passion for film and begins to get into deep when he begins capturing footage on tape that if shown will make the whole school staff and students alike hate him, including his own film teacher. Another main character will be the teacher training him who encourages him to show the footage without realizing how it can possibly lead to the loss of his own job. 
  • "I TO I". This movie would be about a popular kid in high school who will soon be graduating.  His future looks bright everything is going great in his life with his friends and his girlfriend. However his world is turned upside down when he receives a text message from himself 20 years in the future. His future self has hit rock bottom and finds a phone that has only one number which happens to be his from 20 years earlier. He begins to warn his past self to change his ways so that he doesn't end up where he is in the future. With very little time remaining before the moment that will change his life forever occurs, its a race through time and against the clock to convince his younger stubborn self to see eye to eye with himself. 
Have plenty more, but I'm tired...tell me what you think.

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